Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Lavo Standard (20) (10-27-09)

Suzan was relieved after receiving a call from a man named Keyron, who was with Juno: Suzan had been long awaiting Juno’s return, but her increased worry was assuaged as she was told over the phone that there was a tragic happening at the Ryogoku station involving Juno, who was somehow there then and for whatever reason unable to go back home immediately, but who would arrive at home soon.

As she hung up the home phone and informed other family members, who were missing Juno uneasily, of what Keyron said, they were relieved as well. Fortunately, Juno could call her family with Keyron’s phone because she remembered her home phone number thanks to its fewer digits than that of a cellular phone. Although home phones seemed to have become less and less popular due to their limited functions, thus they might still have some merit.

Suzan did not call off getting dinner and all present family members inside the house could have delayed one together, feeling certain of Juno’s safety, fidgeting.

After having dinner, Suzan, Mathew, Lois and Mel were watching TV, having remained in the living room while Katz retreated to his room to continue to play his favorite monster-hunting video game. On the news, footage taken by someone’s cellular phone was showing a bird-like monster while a vandalized train car and the carcasses of a lion and a red slime, which were components of the monster, were also introduced, and were clearer information than what Keyron tried to communicate over the phone. It gave Suzan another relief that Juno was not among the dead victims referred on the program.

There was yet room for Suzan to be retrospective: She wondered if she couldn’t have explained about tapping the media to Juno before she commenced the way; had Suzan done so, Juno might not have been at the Ryogoku station if the argument was the reason for her trip. Unable to deny her involvement, Susan decided not to scold Juno.

The doorbell chimed through the house and Suzan, followed by other family members, rushed to the entrance. As they opened the door, Juno was there to leak, “I’m back.” The phrase was immediately extinguished by Suzan’s chest as Juno was taken into her arms.

“Juno, could you just let me apologize for what I have done regarding Libro?”

“Mom, I was wrong. I’m sorry.”

“Juno, you haven’t had dinner, have you? Wait for a second in the living room.”

“Let both me and Mel be in the living room too, Juno,” said Lois, who put his hunting cap on his head after seeing the griffin on TV.

“How could you leave me alone?” Katz followed.

“Bow-wow, bow-wow!” if Akichalo followed. [?if?]

“Bowoon, bow-wow!” if Takeko was singing to celebrate Juno’s safe return. [?if?]

Both physically and mentally tired, Juno wanted to lie down on the bed in her room until feeling like taking a shower. To recollect, there were inconceivable revelations during the day: Ric was not a human; he probably would conduct some form of abuse to Juno; instead of Juno, he destroyed the train car with its passengers.

These seemed to be almost unbearably stark to the girl in the 4th grade at an elementary school if there was no backing.

However, while Juno would speculatively be abducted by Ric and was in the deadrock at the station following the vandalism, she was protected by the lady with Libro and helped by Keyron come back home. Furthermore, to betray Juno’s anticipation of being scolded, Suzan and the family warmly welcomed her. In response, the feeling of thanks to these supporters made Juno sentimental; again she could not keep tears from welling in her eyes.

Knocks on the panes of her room drew Juno back to reality from the retrospective contemplation. As Juno opened the curtains, she found a nude lady with rabbit ears there on the other side. Despite this suddenness, the smile of the lady was partaking of something Juno knew and let her slide the window open. Entering the room, covered with accompanying strings of somewhat nippy air, the lady showed her avian wings more clearly and openly. Then, she flashed and split into the green slime and a rabbit. “Libro!,” Juno embraced him.

Through the sole door of the room, the two Cavaliers came in and were amiably barking at Libro with each tail wagging from side to side. Juno was feeling pleased in the situation which she once abandoned meeting again: her, the slime, and the Cavaliers all together in her room. In front of her, the slime was looking pleased as well, showing a cute smile.

Juno, having been concerned about his whereabouts through the incident in Ryogoku, asked him, “What has been up to you?”

Libro once stopped all his movements, seemingly seeking a way to explain to Juno. A second later, he seemed to come up with a way which was likely what he took into effect: He melded into her hands, generating an intense flash, making Juno’s body smaller and smaller until eventually turning into a rabbit.

Juno was a rabbit. In front of her, both Akichalo and Takeko were panting, facing Juno at almost the same eye level.

“Juno, you came into our world!” Akichalo appreciated Juno’s transformation.

“Akichalo, I can understand what you are saying!” Juno responded, though she had practiced a lot of vocabulary while conversing with animals.

“Welcome to our world!” Takeko followed.

As these three animals were nuzzling each other, celebrating their equal communication, yet, Libro admonished Juno not to derail from the mainstream, saying, “(Juno, you must learn what I have witnessed.)”

Juno regained her composure, braced herself to heed to Libro’s messages.

As though series of pictures kept rolling, being projected by a shaft of light, Juno was seeing scenes that Libro was involved in from scratch: He with Akichalo went to the school; he met Keyron and Jade; he with Jade protected Juno from being mistreated; and he with Ric flew to Roppongi Hills aiming to free Daryl.

“Is Daryl in Roppongi Hills!?,” Juno was prompted to think that she must tell Suzan these facts.

All at once, a crash was heard from around the entrance of the house and loud crescendo stomping sounds indicated that someone was coming up to Juno’s room, who Juno was sure was not any of her family members. Having a premonition, all four animals inside the room stowed themselves beneath the bed.

The door was wildly opened with a crash, and there was a bear-like monster yet standing inside the room. Although the scale of trepidation which Juno, Akichalo, Takeko and Motoko (the rabbit) were each having was as large as the bear-like, they could find only the face and “the arms” of it identical to those of the gorilla and do it looking for something.

“Juno!” Suzan screamed as she desperately entered the room after the bear-like creature and as her gaze met that of the monster which turned around.

The large dark monster corrected its posture to face Suzan squarely and stretched the back as if it was appealing a crescent white symbol on the chest. Causing a noise, its right hook hit just a few strands of Suzan’s hair as she immediately lowered her head.

“Mom!” From behind Suzan, Katz swung a wooden baseball bat at the head of the monster; the core of the weapon successfully hit the monster’s face dead on, as it had dropped its guard after attacking Suzan.

Suzan found both Lois armed with the sword of a painting brush and the shield of a palette going to drive any attack from behind Katz and Mel praying for such Lois.

Made dejected by Lois’ poor weaponry, Suzan decided to pull through the situation by herself: She deeply inhaled while clenching her right hand into a fist and pulling back it at waist level. As the energy seemed charged to the maximum point, she discharged it.


As Suzan thrust her fist into the stomach of the monster, it collapsed and split into a bear, a gorilla, and a red slime.

Mathew, coming up to the ruckus belatedly, found these three unusual beings and shouted, “Is this true, Suzan!? Run away!!,” impeling the family to retreat downstairs, but Suzan. “Juno! Where are you!?”

Juno was seeing Suzan looking for her, calling her name, and wanted to appear before her, but could not revert to a human just by her own will.

A shocking scene, then, interrupted Juno’s asking Libro to do so:

The red slime jumped onto the back of Suzan’s neck, melded into her, and turned the host into an eagle. The eagle flew away, having shattered the pane.

Juno was urged to chase the eagle, as was Libro. Bird wings sprouted up from her back and she began following the eagle.

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